Technical Services Agreement

About GG Cade

Decorating Services

Decorating Technology

Equipment, Processes & Materials


Contact GG Cade

The Technical Service Agreement is designed to provide an ongoing support facility to the glass & ceramic decorator.

The Agreement can be structured to include:

  • Constant access to our technical resources and back up in the UK for the duration of the Agreement;
  • Advice on the establishment of quality control procedures;
  • Advice on plant maintenance and servicing;
  • Training in all procedures and disciplines involved in artwork preparation, screen making, decorating machine operation, decorating lehr operation, quality control and record keeping;
  • Advice on new products, equipment and processes as they become available and consideration of their cost-effectiveness in any prevailing situation;
  • Project management;
  • Liaison with clients’ customers to discuss and advise on print design and layout;
  • Negotiation of contract discounts for consumables;
  • Regular visits of one of our Decorating Technologists or other specialist to monitor all aspects of the department, re-appraise skills, re-train as necessary, introduce new products and/or processes as appropriate and consider overall performance of the department against established international parameters and/or agreed objectives. Each visit will be of 10 to 28 working days’ duration but provisions can be made for longer visits if felt appropriate.
  • Provisions can also be made for induction training or specialist training in the UK.
  • The Agreement can be structured to suit specific customer requirements and can be established over any period.

For further details, see our booklet ‘Technical Services and Training’ or contact GG Cade directly.